16th Street Acupuncture is located in New York City and offers a variety of services in both acupuncture, massage, and other holistic treatments. The practice specializes in Trigger Point Therapy, Electro Stim, TCM and Japanese style acupuncture and revolves around dancers, athletes, and people who have other repetitive strain injuries that can come from things as simple as sitting at a desk improperly or the stress of daily life in an urban environment. 16th Street Acupuncture is owned by Erika Weber MS LAc. Erika wanted a dynamic site that her staff can update easily. A regular Email Marketing campaign is used to inform clients. The site connects to a scheduling application to allow new and existing patients to schedule and pay for appointments.
Services Provided: QuikSite provided website design and development using WordPress as a Content Management System. This allows 16th Street Acupuncture the ability to easily update the site content.
Project Overview
QuikSite provided custom website design and web development services to feature the practice's brand with imagery and type fonts.
The website was built in WordPress as a Content Management System.
Included are system training and ongoing technical support services, managed hosting, and domain management services.
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